Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gluten Free Vegan Blondies

It's one of those mornings. I am procrastinating the chores that I have to do outside. It's -8 out, and for us, up in the hills, that is soooo cold! I will have to put on my carhart overalls, a brand name I'd never heard of till I met my husband, and brave the cold to feed the chickens and haul in some fire wood.  I'm by our warm fire, my two younger children, who don't have school, are bothering me to entertain them. The sun is lazily making it's rising appearance (it's 9:30) and I am content to just sit and type.

This year I am making all the presents that we are going to give for Xmas. It's a first. I have completed 2 of the 7 blankets that I am gifting to only close family. I have made various cowls, mittens, and hats for the few outskirts of friends that I feel to give to. In the past I have gotten carried away with trying to buy the perfect gift.....for everyone. I no longer feel that fits me. It's strange to look back and see how much one can change. In the past name brand gifts made me squeal...now, not so much. I'm content to watch my kids open a few gifts, while I sip some warm tea by the fire, with my husband.

This year we are also blessed enough to get to spend the Xmas and New Year holiday season with my bother in law and sister in law, and their mob! My mother in law and father in law will fly down with us and the kids and we will all be together. That is the extent of our Xmas spending. We are all super excited to leave the dark cold and spend it with people we really like, who happen to also be family. There will be 12 children, and I can't help but wonder where our two little girls are. I am praying a lot, as I wait on two countries to answer my paperwork. And it also makes me wonder what next year will be like. Sigh.

On to some recipes

Ever since I first discovered blondies, I became a huge fan! You can bake them in a glass dish, spread the dough, layer with jelly, chocolate chips and then add a little bit of the batter on top....but,  I prefer them in bite size mini muffin tins. It's much easier to ration your portion, or tell yourself..."it's just a little bite".... Oh, but what a bite! (be careful those bites do add up and before you know it....someone ate them all!!)

The batter will harden the more time that it is exposed, so you want to try to add the jelly as quickly as you can. Finding some really good organic jam/jelly and mini chocolate chips is important to this treat. I was using the cascadian farm raspberry jam, but learned that they spent money supporting the fight for Americans to not have Gmo's labelled (proposition 37 in California), so I am promptly moving on to another source. I'll let you know what I find.


Preheat oven to 340 and prepare your pan of mini muffin tray with liners
first your dry ingredients....

1/2c of garbanzo/fava bean mixture (I grind my own and mix 3/4 c fava/1c garb) you can use bob's
1/3c buckwheat flour
1/3c quinoa flour (If you wanted to make this grainless, you could simply mix 1/2c of buckwheat and quinoa, instead of the 1/3c ratios)...ahh! I just saw how expensive this is!! it costs about what I pay for a 25lb bag of quinoa! read below!
1/3c millet flour (again, I buy all these grains, and grind in my vita mix, saves LOTS of money!)
2/3c of coconut palm sugar
1/2t salt
2t of baking powder
1/2t baking soda
1/4c of ground flax or chia (chia is much kinder to the digestive tract)
 --mix all--

add your wet ingredients...
1/3c of applesauce
2T of vanilla extract
1/3c oil (coconut, or whatever you prefer)

 Once you have your batter, you will scoop to the 2/3 of the tins with batter and using a butter knife I put dabs of jam on top followed by a few chocolate chips (4?) and then I add another touch of the batter to top it off and sprinkle a few more chocolate chips

If you're using a baking glass dish, the same would apply...spread the batter on the bottom of the dish, saving some of the batter to plop on top....layer with jam, and chocolate chips...followed by remaining batter and more chocolate chips...bake in the over about 15 minutes..... depending on your oven....when they come out, they will be mushy, so let them cool down before attempting your bite, or cutting into the dish......mmmm!

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankfulness and Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake!!!

Happy Day of Thankfulness!!!!

I hosted Thanksgiving for the very first time this year! I completely enjoyed myself and the whole process. We set up the living room all opened up, and realized how wonderful it was to have all this space! Our kitchen/living room area is all open, and I love it. It is now still left open.

We had my mother and father in law over, whom I absolutely adore. We also had my mother in laws brother and their two children whom are married, with their families. It was perfect. The children played nicely and we were able to connect and have rich conversation. We talked about God, and what ever else was going on in our lives. They are all people that can relax and make you laugh. So we laughed, and we ate.

I prepared the turkey (this is a turkey that was loved and I took care of in every step of the way). I also made some amazing stuffing (yep, I was even surprised how well it came out!). I made some gluten free cornbread (sooo good!) and spelt rolls. I also made a couple of raw cheesecakes.

I really like making the raw cheesecakes. They are extremely easy, you can substitute sweeteners. I love how simple raw treats usually are. So I am posting this recipe because it was requested by a few of my dear family members.

Pumpkin/Vanilla Cheesecake

soak 2c of cashews for at least 2 hours.
I make two layers of flavors. In a spring foam pan sprinkle the bottom with unsweetened coconut flakes. I crush (you can use a food processor) walnuts and add a pinch of salt and some raisins and spread them as the crust. 

split the cashews 1 1/2 cups of the cashews and set aside the other 1/2 c ... in a high powered blender add to make your vanilla layer

1 1/2c soaked cashews
pinch of salt
half a fresh lemon juice squeezed
1/2 c agave
1T vanilla extract..........Blend........
slowly add 1/2c of melted extra virgin coconut oil

mix for a minute, until a smooth puree....
pour into the prepared spring foam pan.

with the rest of the cashews, pour in the blender
*I love to buy an organic pumpkin, or grow one, in early fall at the farmers market, and prepare it for this...very simple, just cut in half, poke holes with fork, set on cookie sheet, bake on 350 for a half hour, check to see if it's done*

1/2c of cashews
2c of pumpkin pulp or puree
1T of ground cinnamon
1t of ground nutmeg
1/2 c of agave

pour on top and let set in the freezer........

This year, I am doing something different. Instead of buying gifts, I will be making all the gifts that I give. I am kinda finding it freeing to not have to try soooo hard to find some "perfect gift", instead, out of love, I will make something that I hope the recipient likes. I have a few more things to make, then I will be done.

May we all discover how much richer it is to give than to receive. How much joy there is in finding gratitude, no matter where we are, or what we have. How great this short life can be. Pin It Now!

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Best Homemade Raw Ice Cream...EVA!

Bella and I

I am still waiting for the paperwork to go through. Paper work that says I'm a Romanian. Paperwork that says I have a current green card, in a sense, it says I'm currently adopted by America. Both countries are not moving fast enough for me:(

Today it was -9 in town. As I drove around running various errands (and getting my neck adjusted, big shout out to my favorite chiropractic clinic in town, probably in U.S).... I started day dreaming about living somewhere where we could farm all year round. The grocery store produce holds no lure for me. I look at it, wonder how long it's been since it was harvested, where it was harvested... how come it's not dead yet?? And then I think about how a few months ago, I was getting my greens from the ground. It all sounds like heaven. A place where we could just grow what we eat, and live without going anywhere else. The whole hippie movement was on to something. Maybe someday I'll be posting a blog from the middle of no where....a nowhere that is my heaven on earth.

In mommy news, the kids are growing. Zaya has a cough that is persistent, and is refusing to go away! I have started him on a new round of echinacea tincture. There are several nasty bugs going around.

Bella has had several allergic reactions. It has me a little perplexed. Her back turns itchy and it looks like she went through poison ivy. I want to have all of us go through allergy testing, she may be the first one we pay to go through. She has also decided that coats and winter gear are not her "thing", neither are socks. I am waiting and watching to see if wisdom comes to her, so far it hasn't. She simply insists, through chattering teeth (read above for temps here) that she is NOT cold!

Isaac is doing marvelous in school. When we eat dinner together, we all take turns telling everyone our favorite part of our day, and our least favorite part. Isaac favorite part was going to school! It is simply shocking! It warms my mommy heart. This is the first time he has ever talked about school....to see him thriving in school is amazing. I will not go back to how it's been in previous years...watching him fumble his way through school, learning very little, dealing with constant tantrums, having to fight with him about going.... Now that I know how it can be, I will not go backwards.

I am going to share with you my family's favorite quick dessert. The kids love this. Rip from this cookbook shared this simple idea on an episode of a show, I don't remember any of the specifics, but the idea stuck and we've added ingredients to make whatever flavor "ice cream" we've wanted! One of my favorites this summer was Alaskan blueberries. I am a junkie for those berries.

So what am I talking about? Our houses version of "ice cream". We simply buy an abundance of bananas in our house (they never are wasted!). I peel them, and freeze them. When they're frozen and we are craving sweets, I pull them out of the freezer and usually we make this version of ice cream in my vita mix. I know that you can use a regular blender, as well.

B'Nana Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip "Ice Cream"

3 frozen bananas
1T of vanilla extract (I love making my own)
1/4 c of nut milk (I use coconut)
2T of peanut butter (yes, you can use a different nut butter, like almond)
1/2-1c of mini chocolate chips
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In your blender start with all ingredients, once blended add your chocolate chips...it will blend them slightly and give you a great texture.

Please make your own combinations and try them out! For a completely raw dessert, just do bananas!

OH!! also wanted to add, I have a very special lady coming over tomorrow to help me with this blog! I know nothing about how to make it better, and she is willing to barter with me for her talented services!!! I am thrilled and excited to see how we can make it more visually enticing. My hope is also to be able to have access to previous recipes and posts, in categories! We shall see :)

Hope everyone had a safe Halloween! Pin It Now!