A New Year.
A New Month.
A New Week.
A New Day.
We are only given a numbered amount of these. Then we will die. The few that remember us, they too will go. I have never understood the person who is okay with us just dying and that is it. I simply cannot be okay, with that being it. It is not because I want anything more, it's because deep, deep within me, more real than my own sure death, I know that there is more..... why does that matter? Because it is that belief that births hope in me. The hope that allows me to preserve, when I want to stay in bed, because I am sad.
These past few days, I have realized my struggle with God. As I have struggled with being a foster parent. Struggled with this journey NOT being what I wanted. It has not looked neat, or sure, or fulfilling. It has been uncertain, messy, and difficult. I have had internal toddler fits, with my Maker. I have made demands and tried bartering (God I will _____ if you only allow us not say goodbye to ___), I have begged, and pleaded, reminding Him of my intentions!! (to grow our family).
I am not pretty on the inside. If you could read my thoughts, you would know, for certain, its true. So these past few months. I have been shown how much of my life is about me. And that is not what I want. I want Him. I want His will for our family. I can't compare the story He is writing in our family to the stories He's written in others. All my demands and fits get me nowhere, for He doesn't nudge, when He has a better plan. A plan better not just for me, but for everyone else involved.
So these past few days, have been days where I remind myself the true purpose of being foster parents. Obedience. Its been a time for repenting for bringing my motives and agenda to the table. Yes, I can voice our desire to adopt to our local office (much to their horror), but I still believe in God's true call and sovereignty over the children that are placed in our home! Who knows for how much longer, or what the result of the placements will be....
Our family took 6 of our kids with us to vacation. And when we came back we became a family with 7 kids, again.
Want to know something incredible that I get to witness? The little boy that we were not a good fit for that I wrote about? Well Mr. J found a more permanent placement with dear family of ours. And he is thriving! We get to see these great updates and see how God cares for these kids, better than we can.
I also received a few photos of our little girl, who is now out of state with her family. She is doing well. Her mom, who is still here, is living with family, and trying to get her little girl back. It made my heart sing to hear that not only is our baby doing well, but her mother is being loved on by the family, as well. Who knows how this story will be told?
We have a little toddler now, who is so very sweet. He won't be with us very long. But I am thankful that he is with us. He has a lot going on, and God is faithful to not put him back in the situation that he came from. There was talk of this being a. possibility. We will see what God does in his case.
Sometimes, God needs to remind me what is most important. The beginning of this year. I am glad He did.
Maybe loosing a child, after caring for them for a year, is what I needed to be reminded, that it really is, and has never been about me.
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