Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gluten Free Vegan Pizza! And the Alaskan SUN!

I woke up with a sore throat this morning. But even that can not bring my spirits down. This time of year a favorite of mine. The sun comes out, FINALLY! We have endured the long cold winter! The sun heats up my house, and the threat of the need for high priced heating oil, doesn't seem so menacing.

Most of my seedlings have been planted! The other night, my husband helped me set up the dirt and packets, and stuck them all under our lights. I planted several different kinds of tomatoes, broccoli, collards, kale, chard, squashes, zucchini, cabbages, melons (I'm gonna try to grow them in the greenhouse, peppers, basil, and my favorite of all fruit...cucumbers!! (yes, it is a fruit! not vegetable).
This is what my starting set up looks like:

Nothing fancy, in my living room. We got the shelves from a store and Toby mounted up the lights above. In a couple of weeks they will all spout and look the same! So remembering to label is an important thing (I have forgotten, or thought, hey, I'll remember). Isn't it crazy how all that food, starts so small?

I will order some more seeds and plant some more, as the seeds arrive. The food that goes in the ground is not accounted for. That is the potatoes, beets, carrots, peas, onions, and radishes.  Those I have to wait to plant, because they go in the ground. June 1st is when that can happen.

Yesterday we had some family that have become dear friends, come over in the morning... this is what they brought with them. I thought, yaye, we can make tea. But they didn't just bring it with them, they gave it to us. I can't tell you how much I love this tea kettle, because it would go on and on. On it's own, the kettle is one of the coolest kettles, but the fact that Lauren brought it from her house, and it was hers, well that just makes this kettle even more special.

So I look at it and think of my dear friend Lauren, every time I make my tea, like this morning. Best. Tea. Kettle. Ever. Okay, I'm done discussing the matter.

We eat a lot of pizza in my house.  Whenever I make breads, I save some of the gluten dough to make pizza. I have had the hardest time finding a gluten free dough that hold well. I finally caved in and got a recipe that has starch flour (which just turns to sugar in the body). This dough holds up great! and I love that I can have pizza, it's been a very long time! My gluten bunch all liked the gf pizza, so because I know they are such tough critics, I know this recipe is worth posting...

I cannot for the life of me remember where this recipe came from...bummer! but I am pretty sure it's from Bette Hagman. If you don't know who she is, let me enlighten you. She is an amazing gluten free bread chef! Probubly the original. She is not vegan, however. So I modified the recipe, slightly. This makes a meduim sized pizza, for a large, I'd double the recipe:

-preheat oven to 425

One Good Gluten Free Pizza Dough!

1/2c of potato starch
2/3c of sweet brown rice flour
2T of powdered rice milk
1T of yeast
1/2t salt
1/4c of flax ground
1/2t sugar/agave
1t olive oil
1t apple cider vinegar
2/3c of water

mix ingredients together.... spread over prepared pizza pan (I love my stoneware) and bake for 10 minutes....pull out pan and top with any topping you love! I love to get zucchini, in place of pepperoni, spinach, and canned artichokes....with daiya....yum! But you can use whatever you like! I added artichokes and smoking hot jalapenos.... bake another 20 minutes....Enjoy!

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